I think tonight I'll use this link Biography of Nelson Mandela essential to explain to my children who this man was and what it meant for all humanity . Already this morning , hearing that me and Stefano were talking about it , they got curious and asked who he was, and why so many stories about he being dead. We have simply responded that Nelson Mandela was a person who believed that all men were equal and that it was right that everyone had the same rights. They were bewildered by this meager explanation , in their eyes the problem of equality even arises. Being born in an age in which the achievements of the struggle of Mandela are already enjoyable, they did not understand where he was the difference between one man and another . Height ? Weight ? Sympathy ? Just to explain the world as seen through the eyes of children , I tell you that since we moved to London six months ago, we obviously got in touch with the most diverse cultures , and only in their school the headmaster has pupils with 11 different types of mother tongue. There are visibly non-European families , you don't have to talk to them to feel the difference with you , for clothing and color, the gap comes to the eye . Well, no question from my girls . Never. But never ever , not even on the veil that some girls already wears. In spite of the world they know from Milan who rarely offered them examples of racial, cultural or religious difference ( if not in a negative sense ), in their little head did not fire anything that made them think of being different from the little girl with thousand of pigtails in head, from that brat who smiles to Greta who has dark skin and red hair (a must see !) , or by the teacher of Ghana which is called King (King, do reverence .. ) black as the darkest night . I'm glad that is not my job to open their minds , that I should not work to make them understand that approaching non-italians kids is a resource. It ' a concept already assimilated ! But I can not omit to explain that, unfortunately, there were dark years, and that thanks to people like Nelson Mandela today the atmosphere is different.
venerdì 6 dicembre 2013
Nelson Mandela
Credo che stasera mi farò aiutare da questo link Biografia essenziale di Mandela per spiegare alle mie bambine chi era quest'uomo e che cosa ha significato per l'umanità intera. Già stamattina, sentendo me e Stefano che ne parlavamo, si sono incuriosite e hanno chiesto chi fosse, e perchè tante storie sul fatto che sia morto. Noi abbiamo semplicemente risposto che Nelson Mandela era una persona che credeva che tutti gli uomini fossero uguali e che fosse giusto che tutti avessero gli stessi diritti. Loro sono rimaste sconcertate da questa scarna spiegazione, ai loro occhi il problema dell'uguaglianza neanche si pone. Essendo nate in un'epoca in cui i traguardi raggiunti dalla lotta di Mandela sono già godibili, non capivano dove stesse la differenza tra un uomo ed un altro. Altezza? Peso? Simpatia? Tanto per spiegare il mondo visto con gli occhi dei bambini, vi dico che da quando ci siamo trasferiti a Londra 6 mesi fa siamo ovviamente venuti in contatto con le culture più diverse, e solo nella loro scuola il Preside conta alunni con 11 tipi diversi di lingua madre. Ci sono famiglie visibilmente non europee, non è che ci devi per forza parlare insieme per constatare la differenza con te; per abbigliamento e colore, il gap salta agli occhi. Bene, da parte delle bambine nessuna domanda. Mai. Ma mai mai, neanche sul velo che certe bambine già indossano. Nonostante il mondo milanese da cui provengono raramente abbia offerto loro esempi di differenza razziale, culturale o religiosa (se non con accezione negativa), nella loro testolina non è scattato nulla che facesse loro pensare di essere diverse dalla bambina con le mille treccine in testa, da quel monello che fa la corte alla Greta che ha la pelle scura e i capelli rossi (da vedere!!!), o dal maestro Ghanese che si chiama King (Re, faccio la riverenza..) nero come la notte più scura. Sono contenta che non sia mio compito aprire loro la mente, che non debba lavorare per far loro capire che frequentare bambini non italiani sia una risorsa. E' già un concetto assimilato! Ma non posso tralasciare di spiegare che purtroppo ci sono stati anni bui, e che proprio grazie a persone come Nelson Mandela oggi si respira un'aria diversa.
I think tonight I'll use this link Biography of Nelson Mandela essential to explain to my children who this man was and what it meant for all humanity . Already this morning , hearing that me and Stefano were talking about it , they got curious and asked who he was, and why so many stories about he being dead. We have simply responded that Nelson Mandela was a person who believed that all men were equal and that it was right that everyone had the same rights. They were bewildered by this meager explanation , in their eyes the problem of equality even arises. Being born in an age in which the achievements of the struggle of Mandela are already enjoyable, they did not understand where he was the difference between one man and another . Height ? Weight ? Sympathy ? Just to explain the world as seen through the eyes of children , I tell you that since we moved to London six months ago, we obviously got in touch with the most diverse cultures , and only in their school the headmaster has pupils with 11 different types of mother tongue. There are visibly non-European families , you don't have to talk to them to feel the difference with you , for clothing and color, the gap comes to the eye . Well, no question from my girls . Never. But never ever , not even on the veil that some girls already wears. In spite of the world they know from Milan who rarely offered them examples of racial, cultural or religious difference ( if not in a negative sense ), in their little head did not fire anything that made them think of being different from the little girl with thousand of pigtails in head, from that brat who smiles to Greta who has dark skin and red hair (a must see !) , or by the teacher of Ghana which is called King (King, do reverence .. ) black as the darkest night . I'm glad that is not my job to open their minds , that I should not work to make them understand that approaching non-italians kids is a resource. It ' a concept already assimilated ! But I can not omit to explain that, unfortunately, there were dark years, and that thanks to people like Nelson Mandela today the atmosphere is different.
I think tonight I'll use this link Biography of Nelson Mandela essential to explain to my children who this man was and what it meant for all humanity . Already this morning , hearing that me and Stefano were talking about it , they got curious and asked who he was, and why so many stories about he being dead. We have simply responded that Nelson Mandela was a person who believed that all men were equal and that it was right that everyone had the same rights. They were bewildered by this meager explanation , in their eyes the problem of equality even arises. Being born in an age in which the achievements of the struggle of Mandela are already enjoyable, they did not understand where he was the difference between one man and another . Height ? Weight ? Sympathy ? Just to explain the world as seen through the eyes of children , I tell you that since we moved to London six months ago, we obviously got in touch with the most diverse cultures , and only in their school the headmaster has pupils with 11 different types of mother tongue. There are visibly non-European families , you don't have to talk to them to feel the difference with you , for clothing and color, the gap comes to the eye . Well, no question from my girls . Never. But never ever , not even on the veil that some girls already wears. In spite of the world they know from Milan who rarely offered them examples of racial, cultural or religious difference ( if not in a negative sense ), in their little head did not fire anything that made them think of being different from the little girl with thousand of pigtails in head, from that brat who smiles to Greta who has dark skin and red hair (a must see !) , or by the teacher of Ghana which is called King (King, do reverence .. ) black as the darkest night . I'm glad that is not my job to open their minds , that I should not work to make them understand that approaching non-italians kids is a resource. It ' a concept already assimilated ! But I can not omit to explain that, unfortunately, there were dark years, and that thanks to people like Nelson Mandela today the atmosphere is different.
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RispondiEliminaPurtroppo in Italia lo "straniero" è spesso sinonimo di disasattato, delinquente, oggetto di polemiche politiche. E devo ammettere che per un paio di mesi ho subito il mio retaggio e limite culturale nel trovarmi in una comunità scolastica così eterogenea. Mi sentivo estranea, non è stato facile riconoscersi negli sguardi di famiglie così diverse da quelle che frequentavo in Italia. Ma ci sono state delle occasioni dove ho potuto approcciare one to one alcune mamme ed alcuni papà, e ho capito che alla fine l'unica differenza tra noi e loro è che loro mangiano un po' più spicy, eche a me la pizza inglese fa schifo. Siamo, alla fine, tutti stranieri in terra straniera, e credo che quella che avevo letto inizialmente come ostilità, non fosse altro che riserbo. Vedremo come va, intanto mi limito ad invidiare le mie figlie che mangiano alla mensa scolastica: oggi indiano, domani fish'n chips, dopodomani pizza.. e tanti altri piatti che non conosco, cucinati apposta per accontentare tutti i bambini. Ma le mamme?? :)
RispondiEliminaLe tue figlie sono super fortunate, non sai come vorrei offrire anche io a Giulio un futuro così... Brava mamma Fra!